The Eisen Law Firm - Attorneys Focusing Exclusively On Medical Malpractice
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Cleveland OH 44122
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Devices To Help Those With Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in children. CP is caused by abnormal brain development that affects a child’s ability to control their muscles for mobility, vision, and speech. While there is no cure for the condition, there are medical devices specifically made for those suffering from CP that can be life-changing for them, and for those who love them.

Types of Cerebral Palsy

There are generally 4 types of Cerebral Palsy:

Devices to Assist Children With Cerebral Palsy

Devices are available in various shapes and sizes to ensure that every child with CP is able to receive the assistance they need as they transition into adulthood.

Traditional Devices

Treatment plans often include the use of devices to assist with walking, sitting, vision, hearing, and speech. The devices listed below promote independence, learning, and assistance with daily living.

These communication devices can be either dedicated devices or used on mainstream generic tablets with special apps or programs.

New Devices Through Technology

Exciting technological advances continue to benefit those with Cerebral Palsy. Below are examples of high tech innovations that can impact future generations living with CP.

Science and technology have added more potential for improved experiences to the lives of those with Cerebral Palsy. These advances in technology are improving the lives of those living with CP, and those who love them. The Eisen Law Firm stays abreast of advances in cerebral palsy assistive devises so that we can include them in your life care plan. If your child was injured at birth, call our Birth Injury Attorneys at (216) 687-0900 or contact us online to learn more.