The Eisen Law Firm - Attorneys Focusing Exclusively On Medical Malpractice
3601 Green Rd, Suite 308
Cleveland OH 44122
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Medication Mistake – Father Dies of Medication Overdose

A Confidential Settlement was Reached

Mr. G went to the emergency room complaining of severe abdominal pain and flu-like symptoms. He was given a single dose of a strong painkiller and, a few minutes later, a nurse found him unresponsive. A reversal agent was given, and he came around. He then was admitted to the hospital for overnight observation.

Later that evening, Mr. G was given another dose of the same medication – which caused the very same reaction. This time, however, the reversal agent was not given in time. As a result of this medication mistake, Mr. G went into a coma and suffered irreversible brain damage and died a few days later.

The defense insisted nothing improper was done. The dose Mr. G received was small, and most people have no problem with this small dose. The Eisen Law Firm focused on Mr. G – not on “most people” – and argued that Mr. G’s unique reaction in the emergency department was more than enough to require that this “small” dose not be given to him again.

The Eisen Law Firm filed suit against the hospital, and a confidential settlement was reached prior to trial.