The Eisen Law Firm - Attorneys Focusing Exclusively On Medical Malpractice
3601 Green Rd, Suite 308
Cleveland OH 44122
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Medical Error – Preventable Infection Leads to Amputation

A Significant Settlement was Reached

Rose K. was a 45-year-old woman who presented to her local emergency department with side pain for a few days. She was evaluated by an emergency medicine physician who correctly determined that Rose had a large kidney stone. The physician, however, failed to appreciate the significance of a urinalysis that showed that in addition to the kidney stone, Rose had a significant urinary tract infection. Rose was sent home and told the stone would pass. No treatment was given for the infection.

Unfortunately, the infection got much worse, and Rose came back to the hospital, where she was properly diagnosed and treated. However, because of the delay, Rose had to have one of her legs amputated below the knee.

Rose hired a very qualified firm to represent her. The defendant physician and hospital, however, tried to overwhelm that firm with multiple expert witnesses in several medical fields. The firm reached out to The Eisen Law Firm for assistance. We jumped on board and immediately immersed ourselves in the case as it advanced to trial. Our arrival on the case leveled the playing field, and together the firms reached a significant settlement on behalf of Rose and her family.